One of the best Under Vehicle Surveillance System Service Provider

In today’s day to day life, security is the main concern. With growing terrorism, people are scared and want proper security in their neighborhood. Many ideas were brought up, many were implemented but nothing was permanent. But those ideas were the base for the new advanced technology.


Many people have invented a software that will scan the vehicle, which will be installed in a local surveillance system. But this idea was not a complete success, later the Under Vehicle Surveillance system was introduced.


UVSS is the sum of the hardware and software systems, which will scan the vehicle and store their data for any emergency situations. UVSS is a completely new system, where people have to install cameras and a control system to scan all vehicles.


Under Vehicle Surveillance system is used in various places, where a common man can’t even think of. This system can be adopted by any housing society as it only helps to detect threats. UVSS System helps people to gather more detailed information about all the vehicles passing through it.


Firstly is it installed on borders, as country borders are the places where this technology is needed the most. Terror threats are on the peak at borders. Apart from borders, they are used in parliaments and many government properties.


These properties are very sensitive in terms of security so increasing the security for the sake of safety is the main concern. Apart from these government bodies, UVSS is used in many housing societies, on state borders, malls, and theaters.


Typically one can consider, it is adopted by every government to secure their citizens. It is also used for VIPs, at the locations where the events are organized, or at their house.


The under vehicle Surveillance system is one of the best options available out there for keeping a track of the vehicles that come and go at a certain venue. All the high tech features of the surveillance system makes it the right choice to keep an eye on any security breach that may come your way.


As many countries are adopting this surveillance system for control and security, it is becoming a very basic requirement for tracking vehicles. As the system provides Crip images of the underside of the vehicle, it is very easy to keep a track of these things.


With the help of thorough scanning and license plate recognition of the vehicle that passes by, you can rely on the system for any alert. As the installation and integration of this system is fairly feasible, anyone can surely consider on getting this system installed for your security and vehicle scanning requirements.


Under Vehicle Surveillance System has a lot of features for you to look at. We are listing the features below,

     It is suitable for thoroughly scanning all sizes and shapes of vehicles.

     The software that is used for this system is high-tech and extremely easy to use.

     You can integrate this vehicle Surveillance system with a central monitoring and database management system as per your requirements.

     The system can also be integrated with various other security systems like tire killers, boom barriers, and much more.

     This system can very easily distinguish between different types of vehicles and scan them accordingly.

     It enables you to quickly and feasibly compare your vehicle underside images for better surveillance.

     The system comes with three auxiliary cameras which helps you to monitor those areas which are not easy to keep an eye on.

     You will witness high-resolution skewed images of the underside of the vehicles that you wish to monitor.

     Vehicles running at a speed of 30km/hr can be scanned with the help of this surveillance system.

     The surveillance system comes with a quick alert feature that will help you keep a track of all the vehicles.

     The vehicle scanning system comes with a dual imaging feature that helps identify possible threats.

     It has a dual-LED array to give you better illumination.

     The system can zoom the images about 25 times for a closer and clearer view.

     It can also compare right and left side views with the help of the license plate of the vehicle it is scanning.

     You will get a stop and go image format so that the quality of the image is not affected.


The under vehicle Screening system is all weatherproof. It has IP-67 underground closure certification and comes with an air cleaner mechanism which makes it suitable for operating in every weather.


It is high tech and highly secured system. The system is CE and ISO certified.


This system has a speed matching module with no speed limit as such. It can easily function at high and low speeds. The speed range of less than and equal to 30km/hr is customizable for high speeds.


There are two types of Under vehicle Scanning system models:


  1. Fixed Type: The fixed UVSS system involves scanning and imaging of the ground and electric control cabinet sections. It is utilized in places like border checkpoints, entrances & exits, prison sally ports, and more. This type of model is suitable for a super-wide field angle and critical protection level.


  1. Portable Type: the portable UVSS system includes an ANPR camera, auxiliary control equipment, and display equipment. Its application is in highly secure public venues, entrances of hotels, VIP events, and at places where vehicle inspection is required temporarily. The portable type of UVSS is best suitable for places where transportation is required as it is very convenient to transport. It can also be easily integrated with other security systems.


The image quality of the surveillance system is excellent which uses customized target lenses for sharp and clear images. For image accuracy, undistorted, and naturally yielding images, lenses that are optically designed are used.



Que- How long does it take for the installing of portable type under vehicle Surveillance system?

Ans- It takes maximum one day to install the portable type UVSS


Que- Which is the better type of system, fixed UVSS or portable UVSS?

Ans- Both the systems have a little different application and you can use either of them depending on where you want to install it.


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